"Codex Alimentarius- Never heard of it? That’s because the faceless, unelected international forces behind it don’t want you to- and because a compliant corporate-owned media won’t tell you. Codex is an anti-democratic attempt to overturn existing US laws in favor of pharma-friendly international trade rules. Codex would actually criminalize high dose vitamins and other nutritional supplements, making them as illegal to possess as heroin or cocaine. Codex would also make mandatory the inoculation of all the world’s food animals with growth hormones and antibiotics, as well as the irradiation of all foods not consumed locally and raw. UN agency studies indicate that if the Codex guidelines go into global effect, a minimum of 1 billion people can be expected to die from simple starvation. At least 2 billion more people can be expected to die of the preventable diseases of toxicity and under nutrition the guidelines will institutionalize.
Codex will go into global effect in 2009 unless we wake up, get informed and take united action. That is the urgent message of health freedom activists Dr. Rima Laibow and Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine (Ret.) as they travel the world sounding the alarm and providing an agenda for effective action."
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